If You Don’t Have Your Robot Yet
ConveyorBot is optimized to run on a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4. If you have one (especially if you have Pi Camera for it), there are numerous things you can do easily*, even if you don’t have one of out Magni Robots. It would be possible to run our software on other platforms, but it would take a lot of effort to edit the various parameters.
- You can install our virtual machine on your workstation. It can be downloaded from the Ubiquity Robotics site. It has ROS already installed.
–or, if you have a machine running Ubuntu 16.04 –
You can set up ROS on your workstation. The ROS site gives full instructions. By the time yu read this, we may have already migrated to a Noetic version of the software.
You can connect the Pi to your workstation directly. See the instructions.
You can generate and print fiducials. You can then recognize fiducials using the camera. See the instructions.
You can follow the Pi using Rviz and rqt_image_view on your workstation. See the instructions in the Doing More section.
We are also offering a Gazebo simulation you can run on your Workstation and a couple of demos you can refer to, to get a sense how the ConveyorBot is intended to be running. For more information go here