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Running in Gazebo

Before launching in Gazebo, you need to generate the markers that you will place in the simulation world. Our fiducials generators provide you a simple UI to do this.

Fiducials Model Generator

Arbitrary ranges of Fiducial marker Gazebo models can be generated with /scripts/fiducial_generator/

This script populates /models directory. Before launching the Gazebo simulation, add to ~/.bashrc or enter to terminal:

export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=${GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH}:~/catkin_ws/src/ConveyorBot/ConveyorBot_gazebo/models

Launch files enable you to run the Gazebo, RViz and add our ConveyorBot robot in it. Additionally a simple controller opens up with which you can drive the ConveyorBot around.

Launch files

There are several demo worlds you can use to get familiar with the ConveyorBot functionality. They can be found in worlds directory. To run them use:

roslaunch ConveyorBot_gazebo fiducial_world.launch world_name:=<WORLD-NAME>.world

If world_name is left empty launch files runs by default a world with robot and a markers route.

add to ~/.bashrc or enter to terminal before launching (modify the path so it will point to /models directory in ConveyorBot_gazebo):

export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=/catkin_ws/src/ConveyorBot/ConveyorBot_gazebo/models

Make sure the directory is populated with fiducial models before hand. If not, go to scripts/fiducial_generator directory and run:


This scripts will generate everything necessary to spawn a fiducial into Gazebo simulation.

Fiducial follow

In order for the robot to start moving according to the markers, run:

roslaunch ground_fiducials sim_ground_fiducials.launch touchscreen:=false mode:=general_mode

Where you can determine mode and whether you want to use touchscreen.

If touchscreen is used, consider reading the section below.

Touchscreen UI

Run ConveyorBot_touchscreen on your local workstation. If you want to make sure it will not launch Chromium in kiosk mode then open Chromium before running ConveyorBot_touchscreen.

roslaunch ConveyorBot_touchscreen touchscreen_rosbridge.launch